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Tensa Zangetsu

The one.
28 Oct

bball :D

math :(
test/exams :0
some ppl

NEW Pencil Box!
Huge Gundam
A memorable 16 B'day!
NEW Billabong Wallet
a new guitar?
unlimited supply of movie tickets ;P

Jing Min
Jia Yi
Shaun Lee

June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009

Thursday, July 16, 2009

omg long time again since i posted anything liao... nthn much has been happening nowadays, but things arent sian either, juz got nthn that is interesting to be posted online =/ sian, cca starting nxt week ald, it was like so shiok without it lah, so free =P but im also sorta looking forward to it, havent played badminton in a really long time.
gna stay up today to rewatch the darwin vid showed in class for bio, cos i fell asleep that time in class =/ now needa rewatch cos got a ws on it, thn nvr watch cannot do de... the movie like 2 hr somemore... nvm at least can watch smthn, better than doing other forms of hw =P its sorta interesting too, but like abit too draggy...
not in the highest of spirits now, tired and etc... thn also got other stuff happening concurrently now, dno if im thinking too much, or relating stuff wrongly, or even generalising too quickly =( i've been seeing and thinking abt this for some time le, still dont even know if im correct or wrong. and im not gna say anythn until im absolutely sure what i think is correct! dun wna say thn its cos i generalise too quickly thn i anyhow say... actually i was supposed to tell u what iv been delaying for so long today, but now im thinking twice, think i shall wait longer... i hope that nothing has changed, and im wrong =( somemore its not one prob, its two =/

11:53 PM;

Monday, July 6, 2009

whoops, havent updated since sch opened =x first week of sch wasnt that bad, timetable also quite okay, modules also quite okay, so i quite happy... nthn much to add now, carn rmb what happened last week le... shall try and update more starting this week... byes for now

5:17 PM;

Friday, June 26, 2009

ohshit, sch reopening ald, and as usual i havent touched any of the homework, sooo dead... but nvm, still got a few more days, not that much to do (i think) so yea, shall try finish b4 mon hopefully? had no plans for tdy, juz wasted time, and now only i wonder why i didn do my work? sian... now must rush le... i dno if im looking forward to sch reopening lor. i wanna go to sch meet ppl everyday but i dun rly feel like working just yet... needa really work hard for this sem, carn let my last sem go to waste if i really want to pull my grades up!

9:49 PM;

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

ohmygosh i havent posted in soo long, mainly cos i was lazy to.... but now sch reopening again, got more stuffs to post abt, and hopefully can maintain the blog again! shit, that reminds me, i havent done any of the school work yet, and worse still is the fact that i juz found out abt them =/ hahaha anw, i juz got back from my trip a few days back, went to langkawi! was damn fun, pretty adventurous and damn cool! since i have never ever taken the malaysian train before, parents decidded to take it to langkawi, and instead of a short flight there, ended up having a 18+ hr trip there, and since majority of the time we were in first class sleeper train, it wasnt that bad and was actually fun since it was my first time! but i never wanna go on it again, confirm i will die in those kinda conditions, only can survive first one, since everything is new.... rather be in a nice and cozy flight! anyway, went on the cable car ride there to the top of a 'mountain'? was like 710 (or more, forgot le) off sea level, and the climb in the cable car was like soo steep and stuff! at some times we were like moving almost vertically up, somemore super close to the mountain cliff! :O after that took a ferry to the coral islands and went snorkeling etc there.... lucky the weather wasnt too hot, thankfully there was cloud cover, and i wasnt cooked. snorkeling was fun, snorkelled for a few hours! big place, loads of corals and beatiful colorful fish! anyway, coolest part is the fact that i went diving! s-c-u-b-a d-i-v-i-n-g! i always wanted to try it and i actually managed to do it there! went about 50-65 feet! i think the most thrilling part about it is the number of ways u can die by scuba diving! like if u go up too fast can die, go down too fast can die, nitrogen narcosis, the pressure, the mouth piece coming off, the tank running out of air, the list is like endless lor! was super excited abt it before i went for it! thn they strapped all the stuff in and taught us how to deal wif probs and how to breathe etc... u know the oxygen tank itself is 20 kg?! but once underwaater thn not that heavy anymore.... so yea, went all the way down to the ocean floor with the corals and stuff! saw almost every single fish iv seen in finding nemo! hahax :D anw, i even saw a barracuda! its teeth was like damn scary lah, thn i fed it like fish and stuff! it was like 1.8 meters in length? shit lor, was quite scary, somemore it swam soo close after i fed it =/ felt it, it was like super slimy? haha so yea, touched corals and saw all sorts of creatures! daaamn coool... that were the main highlights of the trip lor, was a short trip to begin with. oh yea the hotel was cool too =P

7:38 PM;

Sunday, May 10, 2009

sheesh time seems to pass so fast nowadays, i only realised it has been 5 days since i like posted when i checked my blog today (after 5 days). think its due to exams... come home immediately get down to doing work or study, not much time to have fun the last few days. i mean right after the super load of work came all the exams, like where got time to study for them! so far 1 bio and english exam finish le. Bio was okay okay, english was shit (as usual). why must english be so chim? compo was okaaay in my perspective, but the eng teachers all their standards sooooooooo high until i dno what ill get. Im dead for compre, so no need talk about that. Is it possible to fail english? what happens then, u retake? (dun think failing english has been done b4) hopefully they will moderate... i mean the rest of my subj not bad, my mt ald get low, then eng also low abit wasted right? somemore those 2 damn heavy weightage sia... see how i guess, carn do anything at all abt it now, classes are over. juz got exams to get through GAHH

8:51 PM;

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

omg lah.... second time (or more) i fell asleep le! if this goes on how on earth am i supposed to finish all my work? and, hence, as of today, no more tiring games/activities that will wear me out at night. had loads of fun playin at pull up bars, monkey bars and playing pepsi cola etc =P like primary school kids liddat sia.... worse still i stay back frm 1 to 6:30 for no damn reason, cos supposed to have econs make up thn teacher come in like half an hour late, and worse still come in juz to distribute stuff and listen to ppl present... thn somemore ppl juz left halfway, can die lor... i live so far away also leh, thn juz now so damn tired i fell asleep from like 10 - 2am. Eh sorry hor, i think second time i fell asleep halfway le... soorrys, i was damn tired =/

2:40 AM;

Thursday, April 30, 2009

gosh everyone seems to be so busy nowadays ah =( like no more fun liao lor can. especially a few ppl who i used to have fun with/chat/sms/talk to alot now like dno where liao... thn now feel like very weird cos for like some ppl things started turning out better and better, as in like can meet up more, talking more, and feel more closer and comfortable thn in one week like *poof*, dno what happen liao. talk so much less, ask thn always reason is like busy or smthn along that line... i mean like even if im busy, ill take time/effort to go out of my way and maintain the same kinda friendship as we had b4, so that we wont lose out on each other or like become less close? i mean if its like a fluctuating pattern i dno what to do lor... like can talk, need each other or having fun thn something come up thn juz disappear off for a period of time, with low activity. i would still talk to people since i want to, but i guess its not the same the other way arnd for some ppls. im kinda sad cos things btwn us was like so fun and diff and better last week, i think both of us will agree on that, but since last weekend things suddenly changed, less talking etc. cos like after last week, i thought we would be even closer but nvm, we shall see how things change after this... as in i know how tired and busy you are, i feel the same way too, but still.... i would make time.

its all because of this week. i think this week sux, ppl so busy wif work, i also, 2 hr long nights for me, thn ppl all like dno where le thn i also cannot do my properly and end up not doing much even though im up for soo long. sucks. i still havent done one of my work which i have been trying to do for super long, but mood like so lousy how to do...

at least today had a bit of fun, had cross country at macritchie.... ran (more of like screwed around) for 3.5 km! everyone started off running, thn a few of us decided to dun care and anyhow run =P was like walking thn got sound of rain thn started chionging agn cos didn wanna be caught in the rain. thn walk agn... thn at like 10 m from the finish line while everyone was cheering us to finish me andre and yuanwei sat down and cheered other ppl while they ran past xD ended up losing alot of positions, thn in the end still beat some people oO! like walking almost all the way, sit down wait somemore, how to win ppl lah! so yea, after that went to j8 with ron phs zikai they all, thn went to eat lunch thn watched wolverine... haha my first x-man movie, and i thot the movie was cool! as in got alot of action and stuffs, tho i didn know who was who at first =P yea, thn went home lor, was tired, so didn do much.

shall stop here for now (fyi i rescheduled the post since its like almost 1am now)

11:53 PM;